I subscribe to a daily quote about the Law of Attraction and this morning it was:
We would like you to release the word “achieve” or “earn” from your vocabulary and from your understanding, altogether, and we would like you to replace those words with the word “allow”. You’re wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it. It’s not something that you need to earn. All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it. It isn’t something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.
~ Jerry and Esther Hicks
I loved this, and, being a person of action, I started writing up a list of things I am now allowing into my life to put on my fridge. (My fridge is affirmation central in my house – my visits are infrequent enough that I don’t habituate to the messages as quickly – and I rearrange it often for the same reason).
So I wrote my list. And I printed it out. And I was happy about it.
But then I had this sneaking little thought in the back of my head.
It said: Ok, sure, but what do you really wish for? I mean, if you really believed this stuff, what would you write? I mean, what do you secretly want?
Oh. Yeah. Those things.
So then I made a new list. At the top I wrote:
What I secretly want…
And am now allowing into my experience…
Now this was the list. This nailed it. I looked back at the first list, and yes, they are things I want, but they weren’t the BIG things – the things I am not sure I deserve, not sure I could handle if they happened – and most importantly, am not sure I can “achieve”. But the exercise is not about achieving, so I wrote them down.
In fact, looking back at the first list, they look kind of like “things I want to help me cope with not quite having what I really want”. They are things that would make me feel comfortable and content – but not necessarily what I really want, which is to feel a sense of continuously expanding past my limits to the fullest potential I can reach. (This was the last item on my second list.)
If you do this exercise, I recommend writing the first list anyway.
Even though you are going for the second list, there is a principle in writing I find helpful. It goes something like this:
If you write out what is on top, it allows the stuff below the top to come out next.
If you keep it all in your head, all you will see is the stuff on the top, over and over.
Sometimes you have to write down the wrong word to get it out of your head so the right word will appear.
It’s kind of like unravelling a ball of yarn. What you really want is the shiny bit in the middle that all the yarn is wrapped around. But if you go digging into the ball, it gets all mangled, and sometimes it’s wrapped up so tight that you can’t get in there anyway.
But if you just start at the beginning of the thread and unwind and unwind, pretty soon you’ll be inside. No stress or digging involved – just following a process.
As you write, notice how the words feel, and keep working with them until they evoke the exact feeling that you are going for. The Law of Attraction works by matching emotional frequencies, so you are creating a magnet by evoking the feeling in your body of what these wishes mean each time you read the list and get into the zone of how it would feel to experience them.
Have fun! And share some of your secret wishes if you’d like.
Thanks for this thought, Emma. I wrote a little and here’s where I got to:
“If I’m not directing my actions because I need to achieve a goal, then how do I know what to do?
I choose that which I am drawn to. I do things that I want to, that I enjoy, that fulfil me in their own right.”