I’ve been doing a MasterMind group for about 3 months or so. I highly recommend it.
(Some background: a MasterMind group is a concept various people have talked about–they seem to be most widely used for business people who want feedback and growth and to access the “Master Mind” — the collective knowledge of their groupmates — to help them solve their business problems and propel themselves further on their personal growth path. They are self-organized and the members decide the structure. Usually 4-6 people.)
So. There is something in the Bible about “wherever two or more are gathered together, there am I in midst of them”.
I’m not a Christian, obviously, but there is a fundamental truth here I’m learning to access. Something is available in groups, a kind of energy that propels each member beyond what is possible alone. I think Jesus was talking about “I” in terms of the Christ consciousness/etc, meaning that spiritual energy was there in the midst, between the people involved.
A group is more than the sum of its parts–there is a multiplication effect.
Which is great if there is a commitment in each of them to show up and pursue something greater than themselves.
Obviously you can gave a group of two or more where one or none are committed to stonewalling and being stuck. Then the multiplication can work in opposite: you get more stuck faster.
But when there is a group coming together with a commitment to spiritual growth, or a commitment to transparency, or a commitment to excellence — then the energy generated by each member is taken up by the others, and it feeds on itself and grows and is beautiful and energizing. You get synergy, which is one of the most fun things to experience on the planet. And you get community, and you get to move faster in your own progress. It’s a wonderful tool for your toolbox.
The requirements are simple: a shared commitment to show up for something that is grand.
What is a commitment exactly? I believe it is a willingness to see things that come up (because things always come up when you make a commitment) as things that are coming up to be cleared, and clearing them brings you closer to your goal, to your ideal. That is, to treat sticky places and confusion and differing needs as inevitable and necessary to the growth of the group and your own personal growth. Each person commits to using issues that come up as an opportunity to grow and get past their stuff, because they know that is necessary to get to the empowered, vibrant, successful life they truly want.
Emma, you hit the nail on the head! Commitment is the the basis of any success and equally applies to a Master Mind Alliance. You can tell early on with any members who will be a dynamic, focused member and who will the the person or people that will try to drag the group to the precipice of disbanding. Strong commtiment is a strong Master Mind Alliance.